Studio One 4 Quick Start

1. File Menu
Ctrl+NNew song
Ctrl+Shift+NNew project
Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+WClose
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+SSave new version...
Ctrl+Alt+SSave as...

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2. Edit Menu
Shift+DDuplicate shared
Ctrl+ASelect all
Alt+LSelect all in loop
Ctrl+Shift+ASelect all on tracks
Ctrl+IInvert selection
Ctrl+DDeselect all
Ctrl+Shift+DDeselect all on tracks
Ctrl+Y, Ctrl+Shift+ZRedo
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste at original position
Delete, BackspaceDelete
Ctrl+Alt+DDelete time
Alt+Arrow LeftNudge - Nudge back
Alt+Arrow RightNudge - Nudge
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow RightNudge - Nudge bar
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow LeftNudge - Nudge bar back
Ctrl+Alt+IInsert silence
Alt+RCreate ranges
Shift+RCreate ranges on tracks
Alt+XSplit at cursor
Ctrl+Shift+XSplit loop
Ctrl+Alt+XSplit range
Ctrl+LMove to cursor
Studio one 4 review

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1 Welcome to PreSonus Studio One 4! 1.5 Activation Studio One 4 Quick Start Guide If you need to create an account and your computer is connected to the Internet, click on Create My.PreSonus Account. Fill in your desired user-account details, and click Create PreSonus Account. 1.5.1 Activating Studio One. Studio One should default to the MIDI keyboard created, but to confirm that it has selected the MIDI keyboard of your choosing, click the keyboard drop down box underneath the track name and make sure it’s checked. Record enable the track by clicking the Record button on the track. Press the Record button in the Transport Bar.

3. Song Menu
Ctrl+Shift+OImport file
Ctrl+EMixdown to audio file...
Ctrl+Shift+EExport stems...

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4. Track Menu
TAdd tracks
Shift+TRemove track
Ctrl+GGroup selected tracks
Ctrl+Shift+GDissolve group
F11Show FX/Instrument Editor

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5. Event Menu
Alt+NumPad+Increase volume
Alt+Shift+NumPad+Increase volume fine
Alt+NumPad-Decrease volume
Alt+Shift+NumPad-Decrease volume fine
Ctrl+PInsert part
BConsolidate selection
GMerge instrument parts
Ctrl+BBounce instrument parts
Shift+MToggle mute
QMusical Functions - Quantize
Alt+QMusical Functions - Quantize 50%
Shift+QMusical Functions - Restore timing

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6. Transport Menu
NumPad,Return to zero
NumPad1Goto loop start
NumPad2Goto loop end
Shift+BGoto previous marker
Shift+NGoto next marker
Ctrl+SpaceLocate mouse cursor
LLocate selection
NumPad/Loop active
Shift+PLoop selection
PLoop selection snapped

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7. View Menu
F6Show instruments
F7Show effects
F8Show sounds
F9Show files
F10Show pool

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Studio One 4 Quick Start Recording

8. Studio One Menu

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9. Help
F1Context help

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10. Navigation
TabFocus next
Shift+TabFocus previous
Ctrl+EndEnd skip

Studio One 4 Quick Start Manual

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11. Marker
Insert, YInsert
Shift+Insert, Shift+YInsert named

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12. Toolbar
1..6Tool 1..6

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13. Console
Shift+F3Toggle size

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14. Presets

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15. Misc.
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow RightLeft/right skip
PgUp/PgDnPage up/down
Shift+NumPad-Rewind bar
[/]Previous/next channel
NToggle snap
Ctrl+Shift+MGlobal mute
Ctrl+Shift+SGlobal solo

Studio One 4 Quick Start Mod

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