My Scratch Live Is Not Reading My Itunes Library

  1. My Scratch Live Is Not Reading My Itunes Library Free
  2. My Scratch Live Is Not Reading My Itunes Library Free

I just got a new laptop, and I just downloaded the new ITunes version. My songs from my old laptop are in my iphone, and when I plug it in my new laptop, the songs only show up in the 'On this IPhone' aisle and not in my 'Music' library. What do I do?

Connect your old computer to your new one and move the files and other stuff into it

I do not want to scare you but itunes work in a very weird way… Almost all the time when you switch computers it ask you wipe your library some thing to do with the anti piracy acts… I think. You need to back up all your music from your ipod on your old pc have them in a folder on your desktop and verify that all your stuff is there before synquing it on your new pc…

My Scratch Live Is Not Reading My Itunes Library

I am learning how difficult English is to understand. Switched to using an iPhone from my iPad and all my purchases downloaded flawlessly to the phone. Able to Bluetooth and learn while I drive. Fills my hour long commute with great brain learning of my Italian, German and Spanish courses. If iTunes does not share its iTunes Library XML file with other applications, you will also not be able to access the iTunes node in TRAKTOR's Browser. To solve this issue, do the following: Open the iTunes Preferences. From the iTunes menu bar.

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My Scratch Live Is Not Reading My Itunes Library Free

I’ve been using a large desktop PC with a huge hard drive until now. But I am going to move to a smaller drive in a laptop, and I have put all my iTunes library files on an external drive since the laptop doesn’t have room. My old computer recognizes these files on the external drive as soon as I connect it. But my laptop doesn’t. iTunes stays empty even through I changed the file location in iTunes settings. Does anyone how I get my new computer to recognize the files on my external drive?

My Scratch Live Is Not Reading My Itunes Library Free

  1. Thanks for the answers, guys. None of it did the trick though. What DID the trick was one very simple thing:

    I had to coppy three files in the I-Tunes Folder on the old PC and paste them into the ITunes Folder on the new Laptop. It was not enough to have them on the external drive, because those files are what tells ITunes where to look for its media. Now I have all data on the external file and it is recognized on both computers. :) All files are called something like ITunes 'something'.

    • So basically on your first attempt you only copied the media files (music, videos, ..) not the actual (or entire) iTunes library.

      Those 'iTunes...' files contain the actual library information. Without them iTunes doesn't know what media exists and where it can find it. Hence your library was empty.

      • Well, basically I thought it would be enough to tell ITunes in its own settings where the data can be found. There's a tab where you enter your data's location under advanced settings. In all the manuals I read there was never a word about actually having to move ITunes files from the local drive of the old computer to the local drive of the new computer.

        So I just wanted to explain that here again because there might some others that stumble over that little trick...

        • Thanks for clarifying... yes, the option is indeed misleading.

          I'm not sure why Apple made it that way but it's probably to prevent speed issues if the library files were on a rather slow external drive.

          The best way to move or your entire iTunes library is to consolidate the files and then move/copy the entire '...My MusiciTunes' folder

    • thanks for telling us your method, will help others in case the same situation.

  2. perhaps concerns Shared Music folder?

    External hard drive shows up in iTunes but tracks don't show up...?

  3. Usually it should be enough to select the old library within iTunes.

    press SHIFT while launching iTunes
    It should give you the option to select the library on your external drive.

    Did you consolidate your iTunes library before moving it to the external drive?

    Otherwise items in your Library will be shown with an exclamation mark and won't play.